Making beer with agave (and sotol)

How do you turn 24,000 acres of wild maguey Lamparillo and dasylirion into beer? You bring Mike Schallau of is/was brewing to Durango to hang out with Sergio Garnier of Mezcal Ultramundo! Mike has been making beer since 2018 with agave I’ve brought him from Mexico, to fundraise for SACRED. This year, he made the trip himself. The beer is in the works and should be ready for your glass this summer! But this episode of Agave Road Trip is ready to be consumed now!

Agave Road Trip is a critically acclaimed, award-winning podcast that helps gringx bartenders better understand agave, agave spirits, and rural Mexico. This episode is hosted by Lou Bank with special guests Mike Schallau of is/was brewing and Sergio Garnier of Mezcal Ultramundo. (Nick McEvily of Mexico City’s Tu Casa tasting room was there, too, but was busy making coffee, so his presence is felt if not heard.)


Yes, there can be additives in Mezcal


You can’t recycle that bottle